2-Year Ultra Low-Power LED Flasher
14K Views, 18 Favorites
ESP8266-01 IoT Smart Timer for Home Automation
53K Views, 183 Favorites
Instructables Hit Counter (ESP8266-01)
5.7K Views, 23 Favorites
Converting Camping Deep Freezer Into Fridge/Freezer Using AtTiny85
5.1K Views, 24 Favorites
12V, 2A Uninterruptible Power Supply
42K Views, 86 Favorites
Easy Project - Bench Power Supply (0 .. 30V, 2 Amp)
11K Views, 52 Favorites
Design of an Unregulated Power Supply
18K Views, 8 Favorites
Arduino Based GSM/SMS Remote Control Unit
32K Views, 155 Favorites
7 Segment Up/Down Counter
32K Views, 73 Favorites
Designing a Dual 40A PWM Speed Controller for Brushed Motors
65K Views, 373 Favorites
Automated Power Tool Charger
1.6K Views, 17 Favorites
Electric Wheelchair Controller
36K Views, 87 Favorites
Outdoor LED Lights
3.2K Views, 36 Favorites
Android and Arduino SMS Based Home Automation
28K Views, 231 Favorites
Breadboard Friendly Tactile Switches
11K Views, 108 Favorites
ESP8266 / NRF24L01 Breadboard Adapter
6.6K Views, 36 Favorites
Arduino UNO NRF24L01+ Shield
PIC 12F675 Programmer/OscCal Restore/Tester
9.0K Views, 43 Favorites
Small LED Tester
2.9K Views, 27 Favorites
I2C Relay Board
133K Views, 747 Favorites
Raspberry Pi 2 Reset Button
34K Views, 52 Favorites
R/C Controlled Switch for Drones
26K Views, 78 Favorites
8 Channel Programmable Timer
15K Views, 36 Favorites
Handy Outdoor Light Using LiPo Battery
4.0K Views, 50 Favorites
12V Battery State of Charge Indicator
50K Views, 317 Favorites
Arduino UNO As AtMega328P Programmer
136K Views, 244 Favorites
PIC 12F675 Programmable 12V Battery Monitor
10K Views, 32 Favorites